BoxTops for Education
Our special education department needs YOU!
BoxTops for Education has transitioned to a digital program and you are no longer required to clip BoxTops from your packages. However, they are still accepting these clipped BoxTops. You can drop off your clipped BoxTops at the front desk. The new program allows you to scan your receipts. When you see the label on new purchases, simply scan your receipt with the BoxTops for Education app within 14 days of purchase, choose Craig Elementary, and we will get credit! Check out this video to see how it works! Box Top$ help fund resources, learning materials, sensory and motor equipment, and field trips into the community! Thank you for supporting our students at Craig Elementary!
With a quick pic of your receipt, you could help fund a student with special needs in a snap! Get the Box Top$ for Education app here.
Not familiar with technology, no problem! DROP OFF your receipts and we will take it from there. All submissions can be sent to your child’s teacher or dropped off in the box up front.
Get a full list of products which qualify for Box Top$ here.